IEEE Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology - IEEE Space Computing Conference
Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA - 18-21 July 2023


The SMC-IT/SCC 2023 Conference will host multiple keynotes, multiple SMC-IT and SCC tracks with presentations and panels, several workshops, a symposium. A classified session will also be hosted on Friday at a different location. See below the details of each of these sessions.

Main SMC-IT and SCC tracks

The SMC-IT/SCC 2023 Conference will host multiple keynotes, multiple SMC-IT and SCC tracks with presentations and panels. The general conference schedule above shows the times of these tracks.

The paper presentations accepted for the SMC-IT track are:

The SCC presentations and the poster presentations for both tracks will be listed soon.


The SMC-IT/SCC 2023 Conference will host the following symposia (click on the name of each symposium to access the respective details):


The SMC-IT/SCC 2023 Conference will host the following workshops (click on the name of each workshop to access the respective details):

Working Group Meetings

The existing SpaceVPX industry standard addresses some of the needs of the space avionics community but falls short of an interoperable standard that would enable reuse, common sparing on long duration missions, and reduce NRE for missions in general. This workshop is a face-to-face meeting for government and industry participants who are working to standardize an interoperable variant of the SpaceVPX standard within the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) consortium. Attendance in the workshop is limited to registered SOSA members who are working on the development of this standard.

If you are interested in participating in the SpaceVPX interoperability standardization effort, please email Wes Powell ( or Patrick Collier (C. Patrick Collier

Closed Session

In addition to the main SMC-IT/SCC tracks, as well as the workshops listed above, on Friday, July 21, 2023, the Aerospace Corporation will hold a TS/SCI level session at the General Headquarters offices located in El Segundo, CA. The meeting time is currently scheduled to run from 0700 to 1130 PDT. The theme of the session is "Trends and Requirements for High Performance Computing in National Security Space." Please send a message to for additional registration information.






  • Alpha Data

  • AMD

  • Aril Inc

  • Avalanche Technology

  • LeWiz Communications

  • Mirabilis Design

  • SiFive

  • STAR-Dundee

  • Synopsys

  • Teledyne Technologies



  • Frontgrade

  • KBR Inc


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:

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